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Company specializes in manufacturing colourful flashing crystal with a 24% PbO content, which is made by connecting the lay of clear crystal and the lay of colourful crystal with temperatures around 800 °C.
This manufacturing process is on the top of handmade production‘s possibilities and only the best and most skilful glassmakers are able to make it. Also the fact that no method allowing a machine production has been invented yet represents a proof of its manufacturing demandingness.
Each product requires many hours of experienced and skilful glassmarkers‘ handwork.

Company’s products include a broad scale of shapes from vases, dishes, plates, doses to lamps and chandelier parts. Caesar’s products, formed from flint glass, possess specific hardness and crispness.
Unique products made of colour flashing ground crystal, which have been manufactured in Josefodol for already 150 years, are well-known all over the world for their high handcrafted quality.
In 1995, the Minister of Industry of the Czech Republic awarded our company, as the very first glass firm, with the CZECH MADE brand, a prestigious appreciation of manufactured products’ quality.

Caesar Crystal Bohemia
Caesar Crystal Bohemia

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